Thursday, December 23, 2010
When the whole sky wanted to be a cloud
This little scene was in New Harmony, Utah.
This photo was taken with a Spectra camera using Paul Giambarba Edition Image Film.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Recesky on the Road
The following are shots I took a month ago while on the road:
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
St George, Utah
Taken on a Polaroid One camera using Silver Shade film (from The Impossible Project).
Monday, December 13, 2010
November roses
This was taken using a SX 70 model 2 camera, using PX 70 First Flush film.
a winter evening in the desert
I used Paul Giambarba Edition Image film purchased from The Impossible Project in a thrifted Spectra camera.
The sky has this lovely ribbon of glowing color along the horizon; I'm so glad that I captured that along with the desert flora in the forefront.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
hack canyon wilderness area
This was taken a few weeks ago, but I thought I'd share it now.
The shot was taken with my Polaroid 430 land camera using expired 690 film.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Desert Moon
This photo was take on my Polaroid 430 Land Camera using expired Polaroid 690 film.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
PX 70 Color Shade Film PUSH. New film from The Impossible Project.
Taken using my SX 70 camera (Alpha 1, Model 2)
Happy light leak-- I covered it as soon as it ejected from the camera, but some sunlight must have gotten on it somehow. Hence is lovely pink glow.
Can you believe that yet another year is wrapping up? My how 2010 has flown by. Is it just me or did it seem to go by faster than last year?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A tiny piece of desert, just for you
Arizona Strip, outside of Paiute Cave. I love the desert. Good thing, too, since I live in it.
Polaroid 430 Land Camera.
Polaroid 690 film (expired 2009).
Friday, November 19, 2010
Cami and Andrew, part 3
The 690 and the ID-UV are tied as my favorite films. I think the 690 has a little more yellow to it, which is great fun in fields of golden grass, but the ID-UV has that amazing tendency to have the sky go all aqua. I can't decide what I like better.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Cami and Andrew, part 2
Another of Cami and Andrew from our photo shoot. They did the hard work, scouting out the location ahead of time. Apparently Andrew stops in to photograph this area whenever he's around. He picked a lovely spot. And the day was just fantastic for photos. The lighting changed a few times. Believe it or not, I prefer the challenge of adjusting for the lighting. You get so many more options and moods out of one shoot that way.
This photograph was shot on my sx70 using The Impossible Project's px70 film. I love how this shot turned out. It is my personal favorite. And yes, now I'm hoping to have someone take a few more Polaroid photos of Jon and I dressed up in our wedding attire. And maybe a few Holga shots as well... yea, that'd be nice.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Cami and Andrew
This shot was taken on a Polaroid 430 land camera using 690 film (expired May 2009). I peeled it a little early so that the colors didn't finish developing, and the end result-- slightly more vintage colors.
Friday, October 29, 2010
This is what it looked like once I took it out of its mailer.
Here it all is just out of the box.
Organization is key. It keeps you from losing the tiny, tiny screws that hold this camera together.
Ta-da! Camera complete. It took just about an hour (that's not counting the 20 min lunch break I took) to put this toy together. Considering that the instructions are all in Japanese, I'm quite happy with myself.
The Recesky is a do-it-yourself TLR camera. It is basically a clone of the Gakkenflex. It has two plastic lenses, and I think its a rather lovely contraption. Jon was impressed with just how well thought-out it was, and he had a fun time checking in on my progress.
So, just as soon as it was all put together and loaded with film, I had to take it out for a spin. We went back to the Babylon area near Leeds, UT. I have more plans for this area. There are more trails to hike and scenes to take in, and many more photos to take. The day was absolutely lovely-- all stormy and windy. And it was humid! It felt like we'd been transported somewhere far from the desert. It was a fun deviation from the norm.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Polish for pomegranate. I love this fruit, and I LOVE that it grows in my backyard. It grows just outside of our bedroom, actually. And occasionally, in night-time wind storms, the branches scrape against our sliding glass door and wake me from my slumber. But I don't hold a grudge. It'll do what it'll do.
It is very nearly time to harvest out bountiful crop this year and I can hardly wait!
This photo was taken on my SX 70 camera, using The Impossible Project's PX 70 color shade film. (I love this film more and more.)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Pens and Journaling, a History . . . and slight obsession
Thank you The Pen Addict, for making me realize that I'm not the only pen-obsessed person out there. I feel like I can trust you and your reviews. (Your site's minimalistic style and your handwriting were an added bonus.)You led me to Jet Pens, which led me to my purchase today. (Their prices are quite reasonable for what I needed.) So I have a few pens that should be showing up in the next week.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Ribbons and Bottles
Little painting, inspired by the scene in my last post. A couple of weeks ago, I sat down and started sketching and painting in earnest since moving down to St. George, and this was one of my practice pieces.
I'm also working on another series, we'll see how long it takes for me to share it with the world.
Friday, September 24, 2010
I'll let you decide what kind of a spin to put on this one. Are they empty promises or do the bottles hold promise because they are empty?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
where i live
New home, new routines, new life. But not new like fresh from the store new. My new life is freshly pressed or overly starched. Nah. I'd compare it to a soft thrift-store sweater, but would that sound weird? The new life is comfortable, is what I'm saying.
Jon and I are coming up with our own new habits, rituals, and family activities for our new family of two.
Here is a snapshot of a little corner of a backyard, where the mints and sweet potatoes are growing into one another, pressing up against eachother, and filling in and overflowing their boundaries. It makes me happy.
Taken on my SX-70 camera, using Impossible Project's PX 70 First Flush film.
Monday, September 20, 2010
santa clara valley
On a whim, Jon and I took a lovely long walk to check out the petroglyphs in Santa Clara. There was some really fun/stunning/amusing rock art. The scenery was rather lovely, too. Jon and I tried to imagine how the ancient natives lived out there, when the climate was a little different. Jon pointed out that where the petroglyphs are, there are alcoves where you could hide from the sun or prepare meals as well as large flat rocks to lay out and sun yourself on. It painted a pretty picture in my head.
This photo was taken just after the sun ducked behind a desert mountain peak.
I used my Berkey Keystone camera, on expired Polaroid ID-UV film.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Instant Utah

View From The Depths
I snapped the one above while hiking around Bryce Canyon on Sept 6th. We met a guy there who used to use a Polaroid 180, and was very intrigued by my use of instant film in this day and age. We had a good little chat and then ran into him (and his wife?) a few more times along the Navajo Trail. This picture was taken with my Berkey Keystone Everflash on ID-UV Polaroid film that expired 03/2008. Hence the color shift and corner that didn't quite work out. I love it all the more for its imperfections.
In comparison, the next two photographs below were taken on the same Everflash camera, but on Fuji 100-C film.

Grafton here, send more tractors.

Rock Hounds
Jon's friends Mike and Phil came in from the Cincinnati area for the wedding. When they came through the St. George area we took them to Grafton and this rock pit. Aren't we great hosts? I'm not sure what they thought of Grafton, but to be honest, they all got a kick out of our local pit. Mike LOVES rocks. He ran around with this excitement and enthusiasm that was infectious, flipping through rocks and finding a few to ship back to Ohio. I didn't quite focus on the guys too well, as the pile of dust in front of their feet is what came out crisp, but you get the general idea of what's going on, right?

The Tiniest Island
I obviously didn't take this last photograph. Jon did. On my Everflash, again. And the ID-UV film. As you can see, there was a lot of fun color-shifting going on, plus it came out a little over-exposed. I love the blue shadow and how my hair looks auburn. Hmm... auburn hair. There's an idea.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Hawaiian Polaroids
Waimea Canyon. The Grand Canyon of Kauai. It is indeed a grand place, home to mountain goats and soaring birds and trees and a wild wind.
We were in a place where the clouds rubbed up against the mountain's edge, where they bumped, jostled, and rough-housed until they finally fell over one another and rolled over the tree tops and over the edge of the mountains themselves. . .

How I loved this magical, quiet, spiritual place. Whispers of hopes, wishes, and prayers nestle among the ferns and shrines that line the hillside. I couldn't help but feel peace settling down into my bones as I walked the trails of the grounds. It felt as though this sleepy, quiet, powerful place woke something in me.
This is how I'll remember these sites-- in the magical, nostalgic, slightly blown-out sepia tones of my expired Polaroid film.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Start of Something Lovely
Snow Canyon, at dusk-- A Super Shooter photograph.

Cedar Breaks. Super Shooter shot.

I love how it got all melty along the right edge. Some might call that a mistake, but I'm rather happy with it.
Desert Blossoms.

The photo above, I took just outside of Jon's house with my 215.
The one below is the same subject matter a little bit later in the day taken with my Super Shooter. I decided that out of focus helped me focus on the color better. Plus, as a bonus, you still get the impression of flowers and clouds and deep blue desert sky.

And, a shot Jon took of me when we were hiking around a couple of weekends ago...

This shot was taken on my 215 up American Fork Canyon on a little side trail that we stumbled upon.
Trying to do some closer focus using my 215, I should have known better than to trust Leo to hold still. It was getting dusky, so there wasn't much light, and Leo loves to roll, so here's what I got:

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Holga Show Opening Reception
Below are some of the photos on display. There are a few of mine in this shot. (One of them had an honorable mention. Yay.)
The amazing 3-d Holga cake. It was as delicious-tasting as it was good-looking. Also, they had this fabulous mint lemonade... mmm mmm....
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Holga Show 2010
I'm not going to spoil your experience of seeing my stuff in the gallery by posting the shots here, so you'll have to go to the HOLGA Show yourself. The show is at the SAANS gallery in downtown SLC, and the opening reception is June 18th from 6-10pm. You're all invited and I'd love to see you there.
-- If you can't make it opening night, however, SAANS is keeping the show up and running for two months, so stop in some other time.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Little Adventures
1. Indian Paintbrush atop Black Rock Mountain.

2. Pines near the summit of Black Rock Mountain.

3. Jaw bone on windowsill. Discovered while walking around Eureka, Utah.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Analog shots from last year
As you scroll through these, take a moment to enjoy the vignettes along the edges (all thanks to the magic of cruddy cameras) as well as how everything gets all soft-focused the farther out from center you look. Plastic lenses make for some dreamy images. And any photos with crazy color shifts? Yep, those are cross-processed. Hope you enjoy them.