Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ah, the new year

I can't say that I've always liked you, January. We haven't always gotten along, but this year you've been treating me well for the most part. I appreciate it. 

Thanks for cooperating while I've been going skiing, spelunking, and swimming in hot springs. Those were some of your most perfect moments. There are still days that you're mean and bitterly cold, but I'm trying to look past that. 

Even when you're in a rotten mood, you're not too bad. I've found ways of overlooking your faults. On those ridiculously cold days I've been keeping myself occupied quite well. I've started up a couple of projects, and I'm making some great headway. 

What I'm saying is I think we can be friends now.

Hopefully the same goes for February. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


After a very long dry spell, I'm back. I decided to kick things back into gear with a few of my travel photos from my road-trip to Texas.

This first photo is an example of some of the stuff that Ike did to Galveston. There are still beached boats strewn about. It was kind of eerie to see all the wreckage that is still there.

This is a shot I took while driving through New Mexico. I tweaked it a little by adding a little vignette, cropping, and framing it.

This photo was taken in Bastrop, Texas on New Years Day while walking around with a couple of friends.

Here's one that's just for fun-- a picture my mom took of me in Montgomery, Tx.

More stuff to follow in a more timely manner.