One new painting finished. A few more paintings under way. Many, many sketches and doodles accomplished over the last week and a half. And I have a new reason to keep going. I have a deal with a musician friend of mine that goes like this-- "For every painting you do, I'll write a new song." And why not? He's a great musician, and I'm okay with what I do in the art realm. (I may have to enlarge our deal to include my photographs and collages.) And art and music do blend well together.
He and I have been thinking that to brainstorm out some ideas together, or to bounce energy and motivation off of one another would keep our momentum going. I think this just might work. And, while I don't have internet, and am using the public library, you'll have to make do with some recent-ish photos I've taken.
Trumpet Flower
Frozen Marsh
Winter Field
Bright, Shiny, Happy