So I didn't make it into the show. But I now have a handful of happy and fresh paintings that I can either try to get into some other show or possible give away. Or then there's etsy. . . maybe there's something worth trying out. We'll see. Either way, artist's block, what artist's block?
I'm back to painting and creating again, and I think that's a way better thing to be able to report than just being in one little ol' show. Don't you agree? :)
In the meantime, here's a few of my latest little ones...



The Beginnings Of A Family Tree
Friend! Your paintings are awesome. I really enjoyed seeing them. I can't believe I've never asked you to see them before. You are definitely talented!
Aw. Thanks very much. :)
Also, we gotta do girl's night in the very near future.
I agree. My belly has already started to grow! What's your schedule looking like?
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