I have taken a good number of photos while I've been in Indiana. If the weather would have cooperated, I would have taken a great deal more. As it stands, it has rained here more than it has not. That hasn't been beneficial to my photography explorations. I'm not going to complain too much, however, since I did have a few gorgeous days out here, and I put those to good use.
In the days to come, however, I will have a few rolls of film developed and scanned to share. I'll admit that those are the ones I am the most excited about. I spent one day walking around Indianapolis on my own with a borrowed SLR Minolta (thanks, Jon), my Holga, my Windsor, and my old Nikon Coolpix E4600. Yep, that's the scrappy little digital that I use. Nothing special, but I have fun with it. Here are a couple of the photos I have to share for now:

self-portait on museum grounds
Garden Symmetry 
This, my friends, is my Holga. I lent it to my dear little Jenna, who took it on adventures with her. When she returned, I took a couple of photos of her on a hike we took. Those photos can be seen
here. (She's got this one shot with an amazing sun flare in it--I'm a little jealous.)
Since being reunited, I turned my Holga into a pin-Holga for a few shots, and then finished out the roll with the lens attached. I did this while my Holga was rigged to take 35mm film. I have that roll as well as a roll of color 120 format slide film to look forward to from my time out here. My Windsor has gone through a roll of 120 format B&W film and is working its way through some color slide film as well. When I took the Minolta with me to the Indianapolis Museum of Art, I took all sorts of photos on it while walking around the gardens. It was mostly for play, so I'm not sure how the shots will turn out, but either way, it was exciting.
The only wish I have left when it comes to all of this photography fun is to go back to Lafayette, Indiana before I leave. I would still like a nice day out there to photograph the buildings around the Tippecanoe County library. They have so much personality and history.